• Pneumatic Waste Collection System (PWCS)

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  • Benefits of PWCS

    • Less storage space vs conventional system
    • Less odor – removal before biodegrading
    • Reduce traffic
    • Lowest carbon foot print
    • Pest-free
    • Quiet
    • Sealed system
    • Reduce labour
    • Low cost, low maintenance hook lift truck
    • Eliminate security threats
    • Support recycling


Automated Pneumatic Waste Collection Disposal System

Modern progressive cities today are looking to adopt better and unique solutions for refuse collection and waste management. Conventional methods usually involve intensive labour and diesel trucks that carry the risk of waste spillage and contamination. 

Smart waste handling is becoming more and more important as cities become more densely populated. Solid waste management is always a logistical challenge where sanitary disposal meets high-speed efficiency demands. Cities around the world are now requiring better and faster solutions for waste management. In keeping up with modern demands, AWC is proud to introduce our Pneumatic Waste Collection System (PWCS).

AWC is known as one of the top automated waste collection system companies in Malaysia. Throughout the years, we have successfully developed our own pneumatic waste collection and disposal system. Pneumatic Waste disposal systems have always been a top choice to encourage and facilitate better waste management. The system utilizes a series of underground pipes to quickly transport refuse to a sorting facility. This also directly encourages recycling while making waste segregation easier as well. As part of our vision, we aim to promote a more sustainable approach to facility engineering solutions.